“Every story has four parts: the beginning, the middle, the almost-ending, and the true ending. Unfortunately, not everyone gets a true ending. Most people give up at the part of the story where things are the worst, when the situation feels hopeless, but that is where hope is needed most. Only those who persevere can find their true ending.”
― Stephanie Garber, Finale
Everyone loves a good finale.
The one where the killer is finally caught.
The one where two lovers get their shit together and live happily ever after.
The one where the battle ends, and the underdog is exalted as the winner.
The one where the toxic family overcomes their bullshit for a group hug at the end of a Christmas visit.
:end scene:
Finales are constantly happening all around us.
The end begets the beginning, and the beginning begets the end. On and on we go.
Do we notice these final moments or do we gloss over them with an erratic unconscious loop obsessing over some minut detail to keep the chains of the old timeline attached? We tend to unconsciously provide excuse after excuse as to why things can’t end. I had a now ex-friend tell me once “I’m going up with you even if I have to hold onto your toe.” Nope, sorry boutcha life…I wish you the best but I am not involved.
Let the stale and stagnant die.
At this very moment we march through our own individual versions of death. Do not get stuck in it. The rebirth is here but it is up to you and you alone to hold its frequency. The energy of the new has no place for the old and heavy weather. You, yes you—right now—have the opportunity to rise out of the syndicated tv show you thought would never end. Look around, are you paying attention?
Time to write your own finale.
The issue I’m noticing these days is the lack of personal power in closing the final curtains. (See: connection>attachment) We tend to get comfortable in living unconsciously as if nothing is changing or will change for the better. Sometimes we can’t even believe the ‘better’ exists when it’s right in front of us. The restart button is being pressed over and over while we are focusing on what ISN’T happening now. Then we reach out to our friends/family for advice, this is not always a good move, sometimes that advice can become louder than our own instinctive and natural inner voice. (They do not get to hang onto our toes as we rise.)
Again, are you paying attention?
We become stuck to an idealistic version of reality influenced by someone else because we are afraid to write the ending. Listen, I’ve been there—wincing as I had to tell that friend I didn’t want to continue the connection—nervously dumping my boss without a new job lined up—breaking it off with that seemingly perfect boyfriend. It’s hard…standing in truth is hard.
Never-the-less the influence of the “other” tends to creep in and start fucking with the finale; throwing doubtful thoughts around like flying un-tied balloon animals.
What if it doesn’t go the way I planned?
What if it’s hard? I can’t handle anything hard right now.” (Life is hard, get a helmet and sack up, yes you can!)
…and my personal favorite…
“What if I hurt someone’s feelings?” ::eye roll::
Welp, then you hurt their feelings, let it go.
As long as you move in truth and compassion while rejecting any misaligned guidance, the “others” will understand and your intention will remain as pure as a single burning flame in a dark room.

When we don’t honor the intentional power of our Swan Song we can get lost in the dizzying area of “I don’t know what to do.” (Fuck that, yes you do…you always do-you just don’t listen and boldly take action. Show me your teeth!) We end up indecisively roaming through self-help books, YouTube videos and Substack’s inspirational writings, hoping that someone will guide us on how our finale should go.
Don’t should on yourself.
These ‘they’s’ receive so much of our power when we freely let their intentions rule our ending. ‘They’ share what we should/shouldn’t in the final days, running our minds, and in turn, our life choices. The power lies in clarity of presence, and that in itself is priceless.
No one can purchase your ‘now’ without you putting it up for sale.
The intentional aspect of owning personal power asks much more of us. A full commitment to internal guidance is required, a faithful connection to truth. No one deserves the power over your intentional choices. They are not for sale. You are not in the market for a new slave master; mind, body, or spirit.
Remember to rest all doubts and lack of confidence with your highest and best self. These ‘others’ may not be walking the path you are guided to walk in the way you are guided to walk it, for many possible reasons.
Perhaps they enjoy following the leader.
Perhaps they don’t hold your same level of ambition.
Perhaps they want power of influence so they don’t feel the lack of power within their own being.
The point here is to listen and never, ever let the influence of the “others” confuse your own natural universal guidance on your path to the up-level. Now is the time to jump your timeline in the physical reality. Remove those hooks and cut those chords. It’s time for abundant reciprocity in all areas of life, however these ‘others’ may not be able to hold this newness. That is ok, let the finale play out.
To quote Stephanie Garber, “Only those who preserver can find their true ending.”
The up-level path is yours, now. Don’t divert it.
Jump on it and keep looking up.
This is the moment my family’s in rn, the fight to create our own ending is real.
Beautiful Purple Peach 🍑💜